Thursday 16 April 2020

bird house


  1. Cool Daisy, great to seeing you working with your Mum on your measurements. Where are you going to put this bird house?

  2. Nice work on the birdhouse Daisy. How long did it take you and your Mum to make? Was it tricky? Are you going to put it out and see if any birds like it too. Maybe next time you could write out the steps it took to make. Keep up the good work. Sharron

  3. Hi Daisy it sounds fun I might make one! At my old school we put up bird feeders but thy did,ent really work... do yours??

  4. hi daisy next time you could add the steps


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Activity 2

  Hello, my fellow bloggers! Hope life is going..... CHRISTMASSY!!! So today was the second task for the SLJ (summer learning journey) and w...