Friday 14 May 2021

Word of the Week


kia ora,this week our word is innovation.This week we had to make our own picture.I thought it was quite hard becuase the polyline was really hard to control.hope you enjoy

When We Go Camping

When we go camping

Kia Ora, so this week we were doing book reviews,mine is about diffrent things people do when they go camping.i chose this book becuase i really enjoy going camping.hope you enjoy. 

Wednesday 5 May 2021

in the holidays

 In the holidays me and my dad went on a bike ride to kumara. We rode to this beautiful lake, the view was breathtaking. on our way back we went down this giant hill, dad was already at the bottom by the time I started going down.I was going peacefully down the hill when suddenly I swerved and I kept swerving and swerving when BAM! I flew through the air and landed with a defining crash. dad biked straight back to me.I had a deep graze on my knee and I had to ride while bleeding.Geeze what a great day.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Word of the Week


 Kia Ora the word of the week is haughty.i had a vague idea of what it was but not exact.daisy 

Activity 2

  Hello, my fellow bloggers! Hope life is going..... CHRISTMASSY!!! So today was the second task for the SLJ (summer learning journey) and w...