Wednesday 29 September 2021



slithery and cute

venomuous teeth

sneaky and colorfull


colorfull and sneaky 

teeth venomous

cute and slithery


tall and wise

long branches

wild and free


free and wild

branches long

wise and tall

Hello my fellow bloggers! Hope life is going absolutely great! So today for poems we are doing Palindromes. A Palindrome is a poem were every thing is repeated so like i might say" i want a tacocat" and the Palnindrome for that would be " tacocat a want i". up above are some Palindromes that i created myself. My task for you is to make  a SUCCESFULL Palindrome, try by finding one on the internet. I hope you enjoy my poems! Daisy 

Tuesday 28 September 2021


 I like to play soccer,

infact im quite good

I recomend to looker

and put down your book

Im really good at art

while doing it i eat a tart

i like to draw mountain scenes

there so good they will make you scream!

I love cats

cats that lie on the mat

The reason why i like them 

is becuase theyre little paws bat!

It is spring

Full of lambs and trees

the flowers are blooming

we can do whatever we please

Hello my fellow bloggers! hope life is going absolutely great! so today we are still continuing poems and today we are doing Quatrains. Quatrains are poems made up with 4 sentences with a rhyming sequence which is either AABB, ABAB, AABA, or ABCB and today i had to do all 4. I hope you enjoy this poem and get some great ideas! Oh and my task for you is find a Quatrain on the web and try make your own!


Monday 27 September 2021


 There once was a girl called Daisy

She was only a little bit lazy

she fell in a lake 

after that she couldnt bake

and now her freinds think she is crazy

There once was a fox called Mary

whos house was very airy

She got shot by a hunter

Now she could only blunder

 with help of her husband larry

Hello my fellow bloggers! Hope life is going fantastic! So today we are continueing poems and the type of poem we are doing today is called a limerick. Limericks are made up of 5 sentences and a rhyming sequence of AABBA so the 1st, 2nd, and 5th lines rhyme and the the 3rd and 4th rhyme too. I really enjoyed this task and i hope you do too! Maybe you guys can try making a limerick! or see if you can find a limerick in a nursery rhyme or book! Anyway, toodlepop, have a great day! 


Friday 24 September 2021

Calendar art


Hello! So we are doing calander art at school.I really enjoyed tjis project because it meant i could express my art skills. You may be wondereing how i did it? its simply really, step 1think of a place that you love, step2, Take a pic of yourself thinking, step 3, On a seprate page draw a thinking box and color it in the colors that express your fav place, step 4, cut out some black paper into silohetes that represent your place, step 5, cut out the thinking box and glue on the same page wt your face on it, step 6, write your name. That is how you make this art.  I hope you get some ideas! 



hello my fellow bloggers! Hope life is going your way! soo today we are learning about transformations! transformations are super dooper fun! So a transformation is a way a logo or image is made so like the roxy logo tjey only make one side but the mirror it, or like the canterbury logo they just copy it and move it to one side. Transformations are very simple once you get the hang of it. I have included a logo i made myself in this slide. Maybe you could try make your own logo while including a transformation? Anyway have a nice day!

Science stuff


Hello my fellow bloggers! Hope stuffs going great! So today while the year 7s were at tech we did a science experiment. It was soo fun! After we did it we had an idea of trying it with a flower to see if the same proggress happened with the flower. It was estimated to take about 3 hours to actually get colour so cant wait for the finished product! I hope you might give this experiment a go! Daisy

Thursday 23 September 2021


 There once was a girl called Daisy

All here freinds thought she was crazy

One day she was playing tag with her freinds at her party

and she tripped and fell in the glassy

The Hobbit

Did not know it

He liked to sing

about his ring

Ron weasly

thought things were easy peasy

Was bad at riding a broom

and had a tiny room

chi the cat

was happy at that

had lots of fun

 and his food was yum

Hello my fellow bloggers! Hope your day is going good! So we are still continueing Poems and today we are doing Cleirhu's. Cleirhu's are basicly the same as Epitah's, but not about the dead but about famous people. I had so much fun doing this and i hope you have fun reading it!


Wednesday 22 September 2021


 Here lies sir Chewsalot

who chews his nails till they rot

one day he was chewing his nails right to the brim 

then he tripped and fell in a bin!

There once was a man called Fisherman steve

Who fished more than he pleased

one day he found his lake was bear 

and so he pulled out all his hair

Hello my fellow bloggers! Hope life is going your way! Anyway we are still continueing poems and today we are learning about Epitahs. If you dont know what an Epitah is then ill tell you, an Epitah is a poem which is inscriped on a grave stone to honour those who passed. There are 2 kinds, one is like sad and sorrowfull and the other is funny and gross. We are doing funny Epitahs in which we had to think of a bad habit and then try rhyme it. There are 2 ways you can ryme it, 1 do the rhyming seqeunce like AABBor 2 ABAB. Hope you enjoy my poem!


Tuesday 21 September 2021



O riginal                     F loating in the breeze

U nderstanding            L ovely smells

T rees                          O utside and beutiful

S pecial                        W aving at you in the breeze

mag I cal                      E specially good at bouqets

D aring                         R osey colors

E verything                       S pecial smells for each one 

Hello my fellow bloggers! Hope level 2 is going GREAT!!!! This week we are learning about poems and the first poems we are doing are Acrostic poems! I really enjoyed this task because I got to right what I want! I hope you enjoy this as much as me! 

Bye Daisy

Wednesday 15 September 2021



Hello my fellow bloggers! hows it going? anyway this is my final paralympic work thing soo i hope you enjoy! I did this with my freinds Elise and Lotte, it was super fun. It might be a tiny bit too quite but still ok! And a funny thing is when we were filming we saw a bird in the kitchen soo we tried to help it by opening the doors of the kitchen. I dont know if its ok now but hopefully it is! have fun watching this add!

Tuesday 14 September 2021



Hello, my fellow bloggers! Hope level 2 is going well! soo this is my 2nd to last thing for the paralympics hope you enjoy!



Monday 13 September 2021

Paralympic stuff


Hello my fellow bloggers! hope level 2 is going great! Soo this week we are learning about the Paralympics. There are several lessons we are doing and the stuff i put up here are a part of the 1st and 2nd task. Look out for more stuff realated to this cuase there is gonna be alot.

Thursday 9 September 2021

Lock down thingie mabob


Hello my fellow bloggers! Hope lock- wait, Lockdown is over! So I can't say that no more, how about "how's level 2 going" ?ok I will say that, how is level 2 going? Hopefully well ! Today we had to do a reflection for lockdown. In it, we had to discuss what we enjoyed and disliked about lockdown.I really enjoyed doing this task becuase it means I dont have to bottle up my feelings and I can actually let people know how I feel.What did you enjoy the most about lockdown? and what did you do? How did you feel about lockdown?

Monday 6 September 2021

Activity 2

  Hello, my fellow bloggers! Hope life is going..... CHRISTMASSY!!! So today was the second task for the SLJ (summer learning journey) and w...